In the world of Pets someone always has a better idea for what to feed your Furry Baby. So because I do my research and because of my friends in the Holistic Veterinary arena, and because of traveling to Pet Expo's for my Pet Wellness site, and because my passion is just giving you the information to understand what is out there so you can be a more informed Pet Parent, I have a great and oh so easy Dog and Human Treat to share with you today.
Sweet Potato Chews...... You will need 1 oven, 2 very large red (only) Sweet Potatoes, a sharp long bladed knife, and (preferably) Non GMO Organic Cinnamon and one Zip Lock quart freezer baggie. I don't worry about storage because they are usually gone in 2 days time. I have them oven ready and start to bake them before I take Fiona for her walk and starting my day and Breakfast etc, etc.
Okay here we go..... Set oven to 180* and then wash and cut the ends from the Sweet Potatoes and throw them away. Now grab that sharp knife with the long blade and slice those S.Potatoes a little less than 1/4" the long way until the whole S Potatoe is sliced. Put them on the clean oven racks (this decreases baking time) and close the oven door. Walk away and check on them in about 3 - 4 hours. Of course if you don't have morning time the afternoon or evening is great, ( I work at home ). When you check on them they should appear a little orange still and the texture a little like leather (never soft) you see you are dehydrating them (taking the moisture out) by slow low baking.
When they are ready I take them out and cool them and then put them in that plastic freezer baggie and generously sprinkle them with Cinnamon and zip and shake up the bag. Pat yourself on the back because you have made a low calorie, high nutrient Treat for you and your Furry Pal.