This morning started like any other morning, except now I know about what a human pain pill can do to your Pet. Fiona had her walk at 6:00am and I was starting the day. I walked to my bedroom and I remembered that I had left 2 Advil pills next to my book on the night stand. Yikes, and Fiona was jumping around on the bed, I looked and sure enough one was gone. I searched all over but I found the pill coloring on the bed and I was sure she had chewed and had eaten it. Now it was 7:00am and by the time I got Pet Emergency on the phone it was 7:10am. They were nice enough but wanted $49.00 to answer the question, "was Fiona in imminent danger." Yes!
Yes, any Ibuprofen was dangerous! First you have to make her throw-up, give her 1.5 teaspoon of Hydrogen Peroxide and walk her for 10 to 15 mins. If she does not react after that give her 1 tablespoon but no more. If after that time nothing, get to the Vet. So here we were at 7:45am on our way to her Vet. She seemed fine and looked like she was thinking, these crazy humans. However rather safe than... I don't want to think. She was taken immediately in by the Vet, and they gave her a stronger throw-up medication and she obliged, next faze stop her vomiting and third hydrate her and watch and check for abnormalities. It would all take a several of hours.
I was afraid for gastrointestinal tract bleeding and problems for her kidneys. We were very lucky because I caught it so fast. I am also convinced that because she is Raw Fed and takes great supplements like Green Min and Soul Food from Dr Peter Dobias DVM with Coconut oil also Krill oil, her good health helped avoid any tragedy .
We are very happy to offer these great Links so you will know what is necessary to watch out for with your Cats and Dogs. Dr Karen Becker DVM NMD is a wonderful example of the kind of Vet we all wish we had in our Contacts Lists. To just run things by her.
She is fine slept a lot curled in a ball and in my lap or my husband's.... too much money later, I learned an important lesson, pills should NEVER be where children or pets can get to them.